If you wish to register any complaint in respect of any content available on YouTalkies, kindly register the complaint with our grievance officer on [email protected], by providing the below mandatory information, in order to take cognisance of the complaint.

Full Name 
Email ID 
Content title, relevant episode/ portion (time code) 
Details of the Universal Recourse Locator (URL) of the content presently available on YouTalkies 
Concise details of the complaint 

Please note that in absence of the complaint not filed in the aforesaid format and/or incomplete and/or misleading and vague in nature, the complaint will be considered as “invalid complaint”.


1. All complaints received having the aforesaid information will be acknowledged within 24 (twenty-four) hours.
2. The complaint will be reviewed, verified, and addressed at the earliest, however no later than 15 (fifteen) days upon receipt of the complaint.


Sr. NoClassificationsDescription
1USuitable for all.
2U/ A 7+Suitable for user aged 7 years and above and can be viewed by user below the age of 7 years under parental guidance.

The content may be slightly mature and parental discretion is suggested.
3U/ A 13+Suitable for user aged 13 years and above and can be viewed by user below the age of 13 years under parental guidance.

The content may be more mature and realistic. The language, expression and depictions may be more mature.
4U/ A 16+Suitable for user aged 16 years and above and can be viewed by user below the age of 16 years under parental guidance.

The violence can include more graphic acts, including self-harm and acts of sexual violence. Sexual content and depictions of nudity may be more adult as well, but not excessively graphic. Use of crude language and drug use.
5ARestricted to adults (18 years and above).

This content is suitable for adult viewing. The themes, depictions and level of content is mature. Graphic nature of any depictions may be much more extreme than any other rating category.